Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I did it- I got in!!

FINALLY- no more anticipating, no more playing the waiting game, no more being a nervous wreck- because I got accepted into the Radiology Program at Weber State!! I will start this Fall and go to class there a couple times a week and also do 24 clinical hours a week at The Logan Regional Hospital! We don't have to move. YaY! I have been working at this for a long time and now finally something has come of it! I'm very excited to get started. It feels good to know what I'm actually going to do with my life now.


  1. CONGRATS!!!!! That's awesome!! Good job Lex!

  2. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I told you that you would do good.

  3. Congrats! I just graduated in exactly what you are doin :) trust me you will wonder why it was so difficult to get in! Haha the professors are kinda lazy....to say the least. Good Luck!!! Let me know if you need anything :)

  4. Hey its Casie Atwood hehe sorry I just noticed you were wondering way back a few post ago. Sent me your email and I can add you to my blog. casien@comcast.net Thanks

  5. Alexa! I just came across your blog and can i just tell you how excited i am that you got in the program! we are going to be spending many many hours together at good old logan regional! It is kinda crazy and confusing getting everything ready to start so if you have any questions please feel free to call! 770-3038! YAY i can't wait for you to start!
